

To map and visualize the spread of alumni entrepreneurs from the The New School, and Parsons School of Design. 


Entrepreneurship comes in different forms - especially from a design, arts, and social-progress oriented environment like The New School. 

The research goal is to map the collective innovation from The New School consortium of schools and the total impact that our entrepreneurial alumni have had in local and global economies. Through using public data available on LinkedIn, self-identified by New School alumni, as well as public data available on Wikipedia, we hope to assess and map graduated entrepreneurs to survey the distribution of value from entrepreneurial initiatives on campus and beyond. We hope to publish this data to create awareness, use for our research development of the lab and to contextualize the work and impact of ELab and other initiatives like IEI around entrepreneurship at The New School, and leverage New School collaboration with the Data Visualization Program to potentially inform the historical value of entrepreneurial initiatives from the New School overtime. This data could also help the greater TNS community with collaboration from the Alumni Office,  Career Services office and the office of the Institutional Research.

Entrepreneurial surveys have been done with monumental success in universities with business or engineering schools, but not in design or social science universities. We will take on this challenge and opportunity to create a comprehensive data mapping project to report, providing evidence of the impact that alumni entrepreneurs have had on economic growth and job creation, socially on our communities, creatively within the development of culture and intellectual property. Collectively, the study hopes to chart the innovative impact both in NYC and beyond of New School alumni, giving a picture of the schools “entrepreneurial genome.” 

With this research our hope is to produce an array of interactive visuals, including models, maps, and graphs, and a timeline, that will be publicly available and shareable. These visuals will demonstrate degrees of study participation and various forms of impact. The results of this study can be used by students, researchers and, larger community both predictively and historically to chart our impact and inspire our future students.




Guided by existing university-wide studies on entrepreneurship, our definition of ‘entrepreneur,’ and what refines our search for ‘entrepreneurial alumni’ is any of the following criteria:

  • Founded a or multiple new ventures (“Founder”)(“Entrepreneur”)

  • Who are on the ‘founding team’ of a new venture

  • Who are self-employed with/without 1 or more employees

  • Who are independent service providers, self-funding creatives or freelancers



A ‘venture’ include for-profit businesses, social businesses, sole-proprietorships and non-profit organizations. A social business (defined by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus) is as a business created and designed to address a social problem. A non-loss, non-dividend company.


The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Mauris id fermentum nulla.

Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Suspendisse nec congue purus.

Parsons School of Design

Potential Reach // 796 Alumni categorized as entrepreneurs through LinkedIn's Career Insights

The New School:

Potential Reach // 29,956 Alumni, all listed under the Career Insights on The New School's LinkedIn


Our primary methods revolve around parsing legal and publicly available data through LinkedIn and Wikipedia, to first grasp how much information we are able to collect. With a team of data-driven engineers and designers, we are